
Privacy Policy


This Personal Data Protection Policy sets down how your personal data that you provide to us in connection with the use of our services, when participating in our programs or by using the website: https://www.premiumspanishcoaching.com/ (“Website”), is used and protected.

We obtain, store and process personal data that enable us to provide high-quality services to our clients and customers. We also gather personal data to develop our activities. When processing and storing your personal data, we act exclusively in compliance with this Personal Data Protection Policy and in compliance with applicable legislation, namely Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27th April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter only “the Regulation”) and Act no. 110/2019 Coll., on Personal Data Processing, as amended (hereinafter only “the Act”).

This Personal Data Protection Policy observes the controller’s information obligation towards our clients, and visitors to the Website, as defined in Article 13 of the Regulation.

Basic definitions.

Intellectual Property (Copyright)

All the copyrights of the WEBSITE and its CONTENTS are the property of Feliciano & Antonio, henceforth THE OWNER. The OWNER has acquired the corresponding exploitation rights, and they are protected by international laws and treaties on intellectual property. The USER is only allowed to view the WEB CONTENT for their personal and non-commercial use.

For any other use of the WEB CONTENT not expressly authorized in this legal notice, the USER must request and obtain the prior written authorization of the OWNER.

Personal data:

Personal data is all the information regarding an identified and identifiable person. An identifiable natural person is a natural person that can be identified directly or indirectly, about a certain identifier (for example name, identification number, location information, network identifier), or about one or more special features of a physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity of such natural person.

How do we obtain the personal data?

We gather and obtain personal data directly from you, as a result of your interaction with us and as a result of your use of our services, or as a result of your participation in or support for our activities.

Technical data may be obtained by you visiting the Website in a manner described below in section Technical data and data on visits to the Website of this Policy.

Bear in mind that refusal to provide personal data in cases when its provision is requisite for the execution and fulfillment of a contract between us, or in cases when we are obliged to process your personal data to fulfill a statutory obligation imposed on us, may result in failure to conclude our contractual relation and failure to provide the given service.

What personal data do we gather?

Regularly, we may gather and process your following personal data:

  • Identification data, this data includes particularly: name, surname, username;
  • Contact information, this data includes particularly: e-mail address, telephone number;
  • Payment and transaction details, this data includes particularly: bank and payment details, history of orders, payments and receivables;
  • Technical data, this data includes particularly: information on your visits to the Website and on the sources from which you got connected;
  • Profile information, this data regards our clients and includes particularly: information on the history of orders, interests, preferences, feedback;
  • Marketing data, this data includes particularly: your preferences regarding the marketing materials and preferred communication method.


Reasons for personal data processing

The main reason why we process your personal data is for us to be able to provide to you our best services that you have shown interest in, to inform you properly about our activities and make sure we have the best security and quality of our services.

Purposes and legal basis for personal data processing

Personal data processing

a) without consent

We may process your personal data also without your consent in compliance with applicable legislation in case of

  • processing that is requisite for the performance of a contract or for negotiations leading to the conclusion of a contract (pre-contractual relations) – (order confirmation, payment processing and services delivery; our communication regarding the status of an order/use of services; complaint procedure in case of making claims due to defects),
  • processing that is requisite for the fulfillment of legal (statutory) obligations imposed on us by generally binding legal regulations (e.g. the Accounting Act etc.).
  • Processing is requisite for the purpose of our legitimate interests, including:
    • our interest to inform you on our services and provide to you targeted and relevant information
    • our interest to enable our mutual communication – i.e. so that we can reply to your queries or requests if you contact us;
    • our interest to improve the quality of our services and activities;
    • our interest to promote our activities;
    • our interest to protect and assert our rights – i.e. in order to prevent fraudulent behavior and breach of our contractual terms and conditions, in order to collect potential claims and to ensure protection of our statutory rights)

b) with consent

In the case of processing that does not fall under the purposes described above, we may do the processing based on a granted valid consent with the processing of personal data, which we will request from you.

You shall always be notified of this type of processing, and you will be given the possibility to express your consent or disagreement with such processing.

Granting of consent is always an expression of free and voluntary will, and you are entitled to partly or fully withdraw it at any time. We shall not do the given processing without adequate consent.

We shall request your consent with your personal data processing, particularly in the following cases:

  • For the processing of your special personal data (beyond processing defined by legislation).

Direct marketing

In case you are our customer, your identification and contact details may be used to assess what is relevant for you and what you are interested in. According to our legitimate interest, we may send you, via e-mail, offers regarding our services or our social events that we participate in, or also information that you have requested from us. You may cancel the sending of electronic communication at any time.

Your identification and contact details may also be used for the above-described purposes if you subscribe independently to our newsletter.

If it was the case you can raise an objection against processing for direct marketing purposes at any time and your personal data will no longer be processed for the given purpose.


How long do we store the personal data?

We store the personal data for the time that is requisite for the best provision of services and performance of the contract and for the time prescribed by applicable legislation (e.g. the Accounting Act, etc.).


Technical data and data on visits to our Website

Our Website uses the Google Analytics service provided by Google, Inc. for the analysis of visits to our Website and its improvement. Google Analytics automatically collects anonymous information on visits to this website by means of cookies.

  • Detailed information on Google Analytics and personal data protection can be found at http://www.google.com/intl/cs/privacy/privacy-policy.html.
  • If you want to prevent tracking, you can install an add-on to your web browser (http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout).

Our Website could contain links to other platforms, such as scheduling platforms and social networks. These links are not part of the Website but of websites of third parties that may use cookies tracking your activities on the Internet. Third party cookies are subject to personal data protection policies of such third parties. You can block cookies in the settings of your internet browser.

Our Website also contains technical cookies that are requisite for its functioning. The use of cookies is detailed in another section called COOKIES.


Personal data security

Personal data is stored on secure servers, and it is not, and shall not be, transferred to non-European Union countries (unless stated otherwise). In addition, we have adopted adequate technical and organizational measures against personal data loss and destruction, against access of unauthorized people to the data, its adjustment and dissemination. Therefore, we organize your personal data securely and discreetly, and we are bound by confidentiality duty.