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How to become conversational or fluent in Spanish fast & efficiently

As a professional or entrepreneur who doesn’t have much time for studying and still wants to speak Spanish freely, integrate into the Hispanic culture, manage day-to-day issues easily or even build more professional opportunities.

If you ever wanted to become conversational or fluent in Spanish fast and efficiently.

Discover with our Conversationalist Coaching Method how busy professionals & entrepreneurs become conversational or fluent in Spanish within 16 weeks, without fearing grammar or speaking & understanding fast conversations.

What we do

We help professionals & entrepreneurs become conversational or fluent in Spanish efficiently WITHIN 4 MONTHS, so they can integrate into the Hispanic culture & build more professional opportunities, without fearing grammar or speaking & understanding fast conversations.

Who is this for

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Feliciano & Antonio helped so far over 300 professionals & entrepreneurs become conversational or fluent in Spanish within ONLY 4 months.

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Premium Spanish Coaching About Us

About Feliciano & Antonio

Feliciano & Antonio developed the Conversationalist Coaching Method, guiding students from scratch to conversational in Spanish within a month.

To date, they’ve assisted hundreds of professionals & entrepreneurs become conversational or fluent in Spanish efficiently within 4 months. 

Born between the seashore and the countryside of the Spanish Mediterranean island of Mallorca, the two brothers have lived abroad in 5 different countries, encountering captivating stories alongside challenges.

Through their expat journey, they’ve gained invaluable insights on helping individuals rapidly achieve their Spanish goals, so they can freely express themselves with confidence in any social or professional setting.

Today, they share their proven and tailored strategies & systems helping professionals become conversational or fluent efficiently within 4 months, so they can integrate into the Hispanic culture and build more professional opportunities without fearing grammar or speaking and understanding fast conversations.

How does the application-process look like?

1. You apply for the free consultation call

In the first step, you have to go to my short application form. By filling it out you’re giving us some information about your current situation and yourself, so we know how we can best help you.

2. A team member will call you and will interview you

In the second step, a member of our team will give you a short call to interview you. It will take up to 15 minutes to ask you some questions about your Spanish goals, motivations and what obstacles are keeping you from achieving them.

3. We coordinate an appointment together

In the final step, we will schedule an appointment where both of us will have between 45-90 minutes for the free Discovery Call. During our videoconference, we will delve deeply into your current situation and introduce our Conversationalist Coaching Method. With this, we will craft a personalized, step-by-step plan tailored to your communication needs, outlining the exact steps required to take your Spanish to the next level.


Becoming Conversational in Spanish in just 4 months - Clients compilation

Before: They tried private tutors, academies and apps but struggled to form complete sentences. Having conversations with locals was very difficult; they always switched to English. They felt like outsiders, isolated, ashamed, embarrassed, treated as tourists, lonely, short of friends and a general sense of failure to belong. They avoided everyday situations causing them anxiety.

Solution: They just needed a time efficient, flexible & well-structured plan adapted to their current level and communication needs with constant feedback and follow up based on, understanding real-life situations, learning the most relevant grammar & vocabulary adapted to those situations, building confidence, so they were ready for them.

Result: They have tremendous confidence, and feel extremely motivated to keep learning. They can interact in Spanish with anyone. They feel part of the local community. They can make new friends. They can join local places/events/activities. They feel free and independent. They are also contributing professionally, even they held meetings in Spanish.

Becoming Fluent in Spanish in just 4 months - Clients compilation

Before: They tried different kinds of learning, but they were stuck or not progressing as fast as they wanted. They didn’t have confidence talking in professional or social settings. They made a lot of mistakes, especially with some tenses and subjunctives. They did not have a wide variety of vocabulary and expressions, and they couldn't explain the nuances or take the conversation to a deeper level.

Solution: They just needed a time efficient, flexible & well-structured plan adapted to their current level and communication needs with constant feedback and follow up based on, fully understanding social & professional situations, learning advanced grammar/ vocabulary adapted to those situations, building confidence, accuracy & good pronunciation to be ready for them.

Result: They speak properly with more confidence, accuracy, connecting on a deeper level with locals, using the right tenses, the subjunctive, specific vocabulary and expressions either in personal or professional settings.

Edmund Carey

Before: He tried to avoid situations in Spanish because he had fear to be approached by people in Spanish and to speak. He used some apps and other means to try to learn Spanish. He had a lot of words, but he didn’t have a lot of practical capabilities to use it. His little daughter, approached him, and he tried to speak different Spanish, but she said: Papa, no quiero hablar contigo.

Solution: He just needed a time-efficient, well-structured and flexible plan. Combining it with constant feedback.

Result: After only 3 months of training, he can interact in Spanish with anyone, also with her lovely daughter. He feels happy because he is not only contributing in life but also professionally. He held meetings in Spanish. He has a tremendous confidence, and feels extremely motivated to keep learning.

Karin Eckhard

Before: She felt frustrated because she couldn’t express herself fluently. She didn’t have the confidence and grammar framework to hold a professional meeting in Spanish. She didn’t felt comfortable to participate in conversations among Spanish people. She also tried lessons with teachers, books, language apps, but she was stuck.

Solution: She just needed a time efficient, flexible & structured plan focused on understanding and practicing real-life situations. Learning the most relevant grammar & vocabulary adapted to those situations. Building the right habits to keep perfecting the language by herself.

Result: After only 3 months of training, she speaks much better and much more with accuracy using the right vocabulary. She speaks fluently without thinking too much in personal and professional settings. The words come faster to her mind and she expresses what she wants anytime. In these 3 months program, she has progressed more than in the last 10 years trying to reach fluency.

Andreas Schmidleitner

Before: He was struggling to express himself with confidence in personal and professional settings. He was frustrated because he didn’t know the advanced grammar framework. He was stuck and couldn’t progress. He also tried apps and courses but he didn’t have ‘’the push’’ he needed to go beyond his comfort zone.

Solution: He just needed a time efficient, flexible & well-structured plan from easy to more difficult based on understanding real-life situations, learning the most relevant grammar & vocabulary adapted to those situations. Daily practice to build confidence, so he was ready for them.

Result: After only 3 months of training, he understands the Spanish grammar framework and complex advanced grammar sentences. He has as a lot of confidence and he’s able to strike up any spontaneous conversation. He’s able to hold meetings in Spanish everyday. Locals admire him because of his good Spanish. He has developed many daily habits to even perfect more the language.

Jörn Rahtgens

Before: He was in survival mode in the ‘’ tourist zone ’’ living in Spain. His communication was very limited. He wasn’t able to speak about him, show his true personality and make jokes. He also tried apps, courses and lessons, but he was stuck.

Solution: He just needed an step-by-step plan focused on learning the grammar foundation of the Spanish language. He needed the right mindset, strategies and habits to become free and keep improving the language by himself efficiently. He needed constant practice, accountability & feedback.

Result: After only 4 months of training, he feels comfortable talking about what happened yesterday and also talking about future plans. He’s able to understand a lot, speak with his neighbours in Spanish and integrate into the local community. He speaks a lot and pronounces Spanish almost perfectly.

Macy Askari

Before: She had no idea of Spanish. Only: "Hola, ¿cómo estás?" It was a chaos. She was extremely busy working while she had to move to Mexico.

Solution: She just needed a time-efficient and flexible plan oriented on learning the most relevant grammar and vocabulary applied to real-life situations. He needed a coach who held her accountable and constant with constant reminders and feedback.

Result: After only 3 months of training, she's able to speak to locals in the day to day situations. She's able to express herself or ask for what she needs. She noticed a different level of respect and attention from locals. She's learning very easily, without compromising her other priorities in life. She has developed new habits to keep perfecting the language. Locals admire her and they're very proud of the way she speaks Spanish, the "proper Spanish from Spain". Professionally she can reach out to Spanish speaking audience.

Sophie chelmick

Before: She could speak basic Spanish before, but she was always frustrated because with people she knew for a long time, she couldn’t go deeper into conversations. She wasn't sure about the grammar structure, particularly in subjunctive. She was afraid of making mistakes and that’s also why she was stuck. She tried different lessons with teachers, which were okay, but a bit challenging with her busy schedule, and she didn’t do the homework. She was always making excuses and postponing.

Solution: She just needed a time efficient, flexible & very well-structured plan focused on the most relevant grammar & vocabulary adapted to her real-life situations, constant practice to build confidence, so she was ready for them, building the right habits to keep perfecting the language by herself and a coach to hold her accountable daily.

Result: After only 4 months of training, she feels happy and delighted because she has a superpower, which is speaking the language fluently. She feels more confident to participate in deeper conversations. She feels confident making mistakes. She learned that it doesn’t matter to make mistakes because it’s part of the process to master the language. She has developed the proper habits to keep perfecting the language by herself.


Before: He made a lot of mistakes, especially with certain tenses and the subjunctive. He required assistance from coworkers to review professional emails and reports. His vocabulary and range of expressions were limited.

Solution: A step-by-step plan focused on learning the most relevant grammar and vocabulary, tailored to his level and communication needs, progressing from easy to more complex. Continuous feedback to correct grammar and speaking errors, along with consistent practice in work-related situations. Regular accountability measures were established to maintain consistency. Developing daily habits to foster independence in learning, rather than relying on external assistance.

Result: He now feels much more confident expressing himself. His friends and coworkers have noticed a significant improvement in his Spanish proficiency. He utilizes more refined terms and expressions, applying the subjunctive and tenses correctly. He is now capable of composing emails independently, without assistance.


Before: She struggled to form sentences and express herself properly in Spanish. Fear of making mistakes hindered her confidence in speaking. Despite using language apps, she couldn't progress.

Solution: A structured plan focused on mastering Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, practicing in real-life and work scenarios. Consistent accountability ensured her commitment. Cultivating daily habits for independent learning became a priority.

Result: Now she converses extensively in Spanish, speaking confidently even if she makes occasional mistakes. She comfortably engages in conversations and has surpassed basic proficiency.


Before: He struggled to express himself freely in Spanish or engage in simple conversations. His proficiency was limited, and he felt stuck and bewildered. Understanding Spanish seemed daunting, despite trying various courses without progress.

Solution: A structured plan centered on mastering the most relevant Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, focusing on practical, real-life scenarios. Consistent accountability ensured commitment. Establishing daily habits for independent learning became crucial.

Result: His Spanish has significantly improved; now, he comfortably engages in conversations with his Spanish family. Expressing himself in Spanish has become effortless, enabling him to communicate effectively. He now feels more confident, fostering stronger connections within the local community.


Before: Despite his desire to learn, he constantly made excuses, feeling stuck and unable to leave Spain without mastering Spanish after two years in Madrid. He struggled to engage in normal conversations.

Solution: A flexible, time-efficient, structured plan tailored to his busy schedule. It focused on practical grammar, understanding real-life scenarios, and confidence-building strategies for speaking exposure. A professional team provided continuous feedback, ensuring accountability and consistency throughout the training. Developing independent learning habits became essential.

Result: He now engages in conversations with neighbors and locals confidently, expanding his connections within the Spanish-speaking community. He relies less on translation and navigates daily tasks, such as doctor visits or pharmacies, with ease. The stress associated with language barriers has diminished significantly.


Before: She struggled with managing simple daily tasks and felt insecure. Engaging in Spanish conversations was challenging, as she possessed only a limited vocabulary.

Solution: A structured plan focused on mastering the most relevant Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, with practice tailored to real-life scenarios. Consistent accountability ensured commitment, while daily habits for independent learning were developed.

Result: Now, she comprehends spoken Spanish much better in social contexts, gaining confidence and reducing nervousness in conversations. She feels more at ease engaging with locals and has established numerous daily routines to enhance her language proficiency.


Before: Despite attempting in-person classes, he struggled to ask even basic questions and found the rigid schedule and varying skill levels frustrating. The lack of personalized feedback and accountability led to disappointment, despite ten years of prior Spanish study. This affected his confidence and social integration, leaving him feeling like an outsider among friends, including his Puerto Rican girlfriend, leading to personal unhappiness.

Solution: A structured plan centered on mastering the most relevant Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, focusing on practical, real-life scenarios. Consistent accountability ensured commitment. Establishing daily habits for independent learning became crucial.

Result: His progress is evident; he confidently engages in conversations, feeling assured in his ability to communicate effectively. This newfound confidence extends to interactions with his Puerto Rican girlfriend, enabling better understanding and connection. His Spanish proficiency enhances professional relationships with Spanish-speaking clients, fostering trust. This success empowers him to pursue new challenges and skills, facilitating adaptability in different situations, such as navigating Spain comfortably and engaging in various conversations.


Before: He felt more unsure about what he could say and how he could express himself in Spanish. He needed to get more reassurance on how he could bring his message across.

Solution: A step-by-step plan focused on learning advanced Spanish grammar & vocabulary from easy to more difficult adapted to his busy schedule traveling a lot, bottlenecks & communication needs. Constant, direct & personalized feedback to correct his grammar-speaking mistakes and constant practice oriented to his real life and work situations. Constant support and accountability to keep him consistent and motivated.⁣ Developing daily habits to become independent rather than depending on someone else to learn.

Result: He feels more confident. He’s speaking to his wife in Spanish. Before, he was talking to her only in English. It’s a big plus on the understanding level with her. In his profession, he had a lot of meetings. He could discuss and put across his points a lot easier. A few colleagues remarked that his Spanish improved a lot in a short time.


Before: She lived in Spain for years with the intention of learning Spanish, attending classes and studying extensively. Despite a vast vocabulary and understanding some grammar, she struggled to speak. Lacking a structured learning plan, she spent excessive time on grammar but avoided conversational practice. This led to frustration, feeling stagnant despite efforts. The ease of using English in her surroundings hindered her immersion, causing discomfort when switching languages in social settings, making her feel impolite and impeding her Spanish progress.

Solution: A structured plan focused on mastering the most relevant Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, with practice tailored to real-life scenarios. Consistent accountability ensured commitment, while daily habits for independent learning were developed.

Result: She's confidently engaging in conversations and starting them in Spanish without fear. Her understanding has significantly improved, overcoming the previous blockage that hindered her progress. A friend noticed her remarkable improvement after just three weeks. She openly expresses her learning journey and willingness to practice, receiving appreciation for her efforts, which makes her feel more polite and confident that she's on the right path.


Before: Initially, he possessed a survival-level understanding of Spanish, comprehending basic conversations but unable to express himself or understand street conversations and TV. Lacking confidence in speaking, he tried various methods for years without a structured approach or consistency.

Solution: A structured plan centered on mastering the most relevant Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, focusing on practical, real-life scenarios. Consistent accountability ensured commitment. Establishing daily habits for independent learning became crucial.

Result: Now, he confidently engages in street conversations without reverting to English and comfortably interacts with locals. Understanding the Spanish language's framework and appropriate verb formations, he's equipped to continue learning and enhancing his Spanish, irrespective of age.

Gabriel Wude

Before: He was frustrated because he wasn’t able to have a conversation in Spanish. He wasn’t immersed in the language. Fearful of making mistakes, he lacked the confidence to speak freely. Despite trying various methods like apps, books, and lessons, he remained stuck in his language-learning journey.

Solution: A step-by-step plan focused on learning advanced Spanish grammar & vocabulary from easy to more difficult adapted to his busy schedule traveling a lot, bottlenecks & communication needs. Constant, direct & personalized feedback to correct his grammar-speaking mistakes and constant practice oriented to his real life and work situations. Constant support and accountability to keep him consistent and motivated.⁣ Developing daily habits to become independent rather than depending on someone else to learn.

Result: Now, after only 2 months he communicates proficiently in Spanish. He confidently handles banking matters and navigates through any administrative issue in Spanish. Speaking with assurance, he doesn't let a few mistakes deter him. Additionally, he has advanced to reading books in Spanish designed for advanced students.

Lies Zijlstra

Before: Despite not living in Spain and studying for 7-8 years with various companies, she focused extensively on grammar, reading, and translation. However, she struggled to form coherent sentences, feeling hindered. During a visit to Spain with her daughter, she found it challenging to engage in pleasant conversations with the locals.

Solution: A structured plan focused on practice and mastering the most relevant Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, with practice tailored to real-life scenarios. Consistent accountability ensured commitment, while daily habits for independent learning were developed.

Result: After dedicating two months to focused language training, she embarked on a transformative journey to Panama for four weeks. Surprisingly, within this short period, she effortlessly engaged in conversations on trains, in shops, and confidently navigated interactions, successfully articulating her needs at the hotel, all met with understanding. Building on this remarkable progress, at the 2.5-month mark, she seamlessly transitioned to conversing with people in her social circle and engaging locals in Barcelona on a myriad of topics. Her newfound ability to sustain meaningful discussions reflects not only linguistic prowess but also a deepening understanding of the language within diverse and dynamic contexts.

Ramin Ghazizadeh

Before: Struggling to navigate basic daily tasks in Spanish, he found himself unable to engage in even the simplest conversations. The feeling of being an outsider in Spain lingered as he attempted various language schools without significant progress. The inefficiency of these approaches became apparent, failing to establish effective daily routines for language development.

Solution: A structured plan centered on mastering the most relevant Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, focusing on practical, real-life scenarios. Consistent accountability ensured commitment. Establishing daily habits for independent learning became crucial.

Result: The current program has become a source of liberation for him, enabling the establishment of daily routines focused on Spanish language development and mastery. With newfound confidence, he effortlessly engages in everyday conversations in Spanish, feeling fully integrated and in control of his life in Spain. Now, as he enjoys the country and pursues his hobbies, he relishes the ability to connect with people in their native language, enhancing his overall experience.

Wande Jegede

Before: She felt extremely nervous and embarrassed about speaking Spanish. Fearful of making mistakes, she avoided speaking Spanish in public, even with friends and family. She avoided social situations where Spanish was spoken, believing she wasn't yet prepared. Lacking consistent daily practice, she struggled to achieve fluency. Despite trying various teachers, she couldn't break out of her comfort zone and reach fluency.

Solution: A step-by-step plan focused on learning advanced Spanish grammar & vocabulary from easy to more difficult adapted to her busy schedule, bottlenecks & communication needs. Constant, direct & personalized feedback to correct his grammar-speaking mistakes and constant practice oriented to her real life and work situations. Constant support and accountability to keep her consistent and motivated.⁣ Developing daily habits to become independent rather than depending on someone else to learn.

Result: Now in only 3 months of coaching, she's completely immersed in the Spanish language and culture. Establishing numerous daily routines has enabled her to speak Spanish fluently. She now confidently engages in Spanish conversations with locals, both in professional and personal settings. Finally, she's truly 'living her life in Spanish'.

Mathieu Drogou

Before: He was trying to work in the Spanish market, dedicating 5-10% of his time to it. He encountered considerable difficulty with his Spanish customers, often asking them to repeat themselves and struggling to understand everything. His ability to comprehend and respond promptly was not very sharp. Initially, he had expected his Spanish to improve significantly after a year of interacting with customers, but after 6 to 8 months, he found that his progress was limited. He felt uncomfortable communicating with his Spanish customers.

Solution: A structured plan focused on practice and mastering the most relevant Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, with practice tailored to real-life scenarios such as dealing with meetings and Spanish customers. Consistent accountability ensured commitment, while daily habits for independent learning were developed.

Result: He is feeling significantly more confident now. His vocabulary has expanded considerably, and he speaks with greater fluency and naturalness with Spanish clients. He is receiving excellent feedback from his Spanish friends and girlfriend, who have noticed remarkable improvements. His girlfriend, in particular, has observed his progress firsthand as she listens to him conversing confidently with customers in Spanish. He now possesses the proper methodology to continue advancing his Spanish skills independently.

Laura Barbur

Before: She was completely silent, unable to speak at all in Spanish. Feeling utterly lost and incapable of understanding her surroundings or the people around her, she experienced a profound sense of inadequacy. This lack of comprehension was detrimental to her business, particularly in her work in real estate. She struggled to grasp important information, resulting in significant losses. From client interactions to navigating transactions at the notary, she felt utterly out of her element.

Solution: A structured plan centered on mastering the most relevant Spanish grammar. Continuous feedback corrected grammar and speaking errors, focusing on practical, real-life scenarios. Consistent accountability ensured commitment. Establishing daily habits for independent learning became crucial.

Result: Now after only 1 month, she is filled with joy that she can speak and comprehend Spanish. Whenever she visits a shop and is asked if she speaks English, she proudly responds, "No, I don't speak English, I speak Spanish." Despite occasional mistakes, she consistently communicates in Spanish. In social settings, she actively seeks out Spanish-speaking individuals over foreigners. Thanks to her newfound language skills, she no longer relies on her business partner for translation assistance. During her recent visit to the notary, she confidently conducted the entire conversation in Spanish and was perfectly understood.

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